transit of venus - the sun
Edmond Halley quote
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What is . . the sun ?

The Transit of Venus    The Sun     Venus 

The Effects of Space Weather

montage of planets

This composite image presents the three most visible elements of space weather: a storm from the Sun, aurora as seen from space, and aurora as seen from the Earth. The solar storm is a corona mass ejection composite from SOHO/EIT superimposed on a SOHO/LASCO C2 image. The middle image from Polar's VIS imager shows charged particles as they spread down across our planet during a large solar storm event on July 14, 2000. Lastly, Jan Curtis took this image of an aurora display in Alaska, the visible evidence of space weather that we see here on Earth.

Courtesy of SOHO consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA




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