transit of venus - events
"No living person can lay claim to having seen a Venus transit..." Dennis di Cicco
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Events and Activities

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Headlines ordered by date, region
Event Location Date
Transit of Venus exhibition London 20-May-2004
Sean Clarke provides tips on viewing the transit London 02-Jun-2004
Antenna Science News: Voyage to Venus London 03-Jun-2004
Sean Clarke provides tips on viewing the transit London 04-Jun-2004
Venus in Shrouds: The 2004 Transit of Venus Lecture London 07-Jun-2004
Watch the Transit of Venus Catford 08-Jun-2004
Astronomy @ Forest Gate Forest Gate 08-Jun-2004
Transit of Venus viewing at the Royal Observatory Greenwich Greenwich 08-Jun-2004
Transit of Venus at Hampstead Hampstead 08-Jun-2004
Public Open Day at University Observatory London 08-Jun-2004




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